Every person has a Gandhi within.The challenge is in finding him. Nandita Das said while speaking in a panel discussion –Experiment with Cinema and Gandhism. “The humility and simplicity in a human being is something we must look for and grasp as our role model. Only then we as educationists can impart the same to our youth who shall be the future of our nation.” She said while addressing the counselors and principals of the top schools of Delhi .

On the morning of 2 nd November 2006 , Amitycare organized a memorable event called “GROWING WITHIN AND REACHING OUT”, to interact with counselors, principals and teachers of various schools in Delhi . Ms.Amita Chauhan, Chairperson Amity Schools and Amitasha, was the Guest of Honor.The event was organized at the PHD House at the August Kranti Marg.

The event was graced by eminent guests like Mr. Mathew Cherian, chief executive Help Age India,Ms Nandita Das,acclaimed Indian actress,Ms Pervin Malhotra,Career counseling expert ,Mr. Sunit Tandon,emminet media personality,Dr Akash Dharamraj,remnwned psychotherapist and Dr.V Veera Raghavan.

It was an interesting event divided into three sessions which enthralled the audience and kept them gripped till the end.The first session comprised of Mr. Mathew Cherian focusing on the need for care for the elder people in our society.He said”SERVING PEOPLE HELPS YOU HELP OTHERS”He focused on the need to make a universal effort to remove poverty as he said the cause of poverty is due to the lack of a universal responsibility. He said we all can make a small difference if we love our neighbours, love our fellow workers and finally love our society. MrMathew Cherian, pleaded to each member of the audience to devote a part of their valuable time from their busy schedules, to their elder parents who are aging and are sometimes incapable to take care of themselves. His main aim was to advise the counselors and teachers to practice and preach these values to their students who look up to them as role models. Most of the times, it is teachers who make a difference in a child's life rather than the parent.

The second session comprised of Ms Perveen Malhotra advising the various counselors present in the meet how best t to counsel a student towards his career options by becoming a friend to the child.

The third session was taken over by Dr Akash Dharamraj who helped he audience release their energies by introducing dance as a therapy.

A panel discussion soon followed which aimed at Gandhisim and its impact on our youth today. It begin with a short clip from Mid Shot –movie on Gandhi made by a young director from Amity which had won international award.It was followed by experiences of our very own youth icon-Sanjay Dutt in his discovery of Gandhi. In this discussion Ms Nandita Das spoke how she as an actress makes her contribution towards society by accepting simple roles which are women oriented and feels she can make a difference by portraying a character which every woman in society can relate to. She felt traits of Gandhi is in every second man in society but many of us do not know them as they do not come in the limelight. We should evoke the spirit behind Gandhi and bring him alive.Mr.Sunit Tandon became the devil's advocate and said that perhaps it was a mere tokenism and fad and that the gandhigiri so promoted may just simmer down with time. The psychologist-Dr.V.Veera Raghawan,DG Amity IBAAS, Mrs.Reema Dewan,head mistress DPS Noida, Ms Poonam Singh Jamwal,Director Amity Care shared their insights on the panel.

The morning ended with a scrumptious meal where all the eminent guests interacted with the counselors with a determination to keep the connection on in their mission to help nurture young.